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Wood Badge 96 Uniform Requirements

  1. As role models, Wood Badge members (staff and participants) are expected to set a high standard. All uniforms must be correct for your respective program. Venturing leaders, as members of Troop 1, should wear BSA issued Venturing shorts/trousers and socks.

  2. An online version of the "BSA Insignia Guide" may be found at: http://www.scouting.org/media/insigniaguide.aspx

  3. It's a Field Uniform - not a Class A.

  4. It's an Activity Uniform - not a Class B.

  5. Do not mix BSA issued shirts and shorts/pants/culottes from different BSA programs.

  6. The Field Uniform

    • BSA issued shirt for your program.

    • Current and correct BSA issued insignia for your position of responsibility within your unit, district or council role.  Adults do not wear patrol emblems - they are for youth participants only.

    • BSA shoulder loops for your program.

    • BSA issued long or short pants for your program.

    • BSA issued socks for your program. No BSA issued white activity socks with the red/green top.

    • Females may wear the official BSA issued skirt or culottes for your program.

    • For all days, except day 6, all members will wear the Wood Badge tartan neckerchief and red woggle

    • On day 6, the staff shall wear the Wood Badge mauve neckerchief and Wood Badge leather woggle.

    • Wood Badge beads for staff.

    • WB-96 hat

    • WB-96 name tag to be provided.

  7. The Activity Uniform

    • Wood Badge 96 issued t-shirt.

    • BSA issued long or short pants for your program.

    • BSA issued socks for your program. No BSA issued white activity socks with red/green top.

    • Females may wear the official BSA issued skirt or culottes for your program.

    • WB-96 Hat

    • WB-96 laminated name tag on a lanyard.

  8. It is recommended the activity shirt and laminated name tag be worn under their field uniform to allow for a quick transition between uniforms. All other parts of both uniforms remain the same.

  9. The  Boy Scout "Red-Jac" shirt (red wool jacket) and other BSA issued jackets have very specific requirements on what patches may be worn. Although it may be custom in your unit to adorn your jacket with several patches it must adhere to the "BSA Insignia Guide" if to be worn while participating in Wood Badge courses. The following link specifies which patches may be worn on BSA issued jackets:  http://www.scouting.org/media/insigniaguide/03.aspx

  10. Scout appropriate foot wear - no open toed  or tennis shoes please.

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